Friday, September 28, 2012

Insta-Friday #3

Oh, Friday!!  I have missed you!!  Anyone else out there happy it is Friday?  I know I am.  Let's review the week in Instas, shall we?

I got an awesome note from the husband on the I Love You Because picture.

He's so sweet...and funny.

Kasey of Kakes by Klassic made this awesome birthday kake.  She rocks.

I don't know who Stephen is, but I know he got an awesome birthday kake!

I bought a beautiful pot of daisy mums for my office.

I went to the BFF's house and took pictures of all her precious living room decorations.  Love her living room.

I made my first and second trip to our new Trader Joe's here in Houston.

I took a couple of pictures inside the store.  The store used to be an old theater and the businesses that have been in the space have preserved a lot of the architecture of the theater, like this cool ceiling.

Trader Joe's also embraced the history of the building with some of their art.

Cute, right?

We stopped at this burger bus on one of the lunch trips this week.  It smelled fantastic!  I passed on the burger and ate the lunch I packed (another win for me on smart choices for weight loss), but I did have a cupcake.  :)

Hi Kasey!

There is also always a little time for goofing off at the office.

Hi Neil, nice flower.

I also received the best compliment on the house remodel so far and I wasn't even there to hear it!  The mom had a friend over (yes we allow her to have visitors) and after the tour they were sitting in the breakfast room.  The mom's friend was looking at my breakfast room shelves and she asked the mom if I was a decorator.

Best. Compliment. Ever.

I told the mom to tell her friend she made my day.

Once again, I am linking up over at Life Rearranged.

life rearranged

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love that "I love you because" picture idea. I might have to do that. // Stopping by from Life.Rearranged. Have a great week!

  2. A burger bus? Yummy! I love the happy mums- they are fall to me. :o)

    Happy friday! stopping by from instafriday!

    1. Mums are totally fall, aren't they? Love.

      Have a great weekend!!

  3. oh my gosh.......that note from hubby is the sweetest.thing.ever!! and that cake??? amazing!

    1. Thank you!! Yes, Kasey's cakes are awesome!! She is so talented! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Anything to do with the beach for decor totally has my attention! Doesn't it make you feel more relaxed just looking at it? And I love our Trader Joe's, I only shop there and Super Target now. I'm so glad to hear them expanding into other parts of the country!


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