Friday, April 11, 2014

Insta-Friday and My Birthday

Happy Birthday to me!!  And happy my birthday to you!  :)  If you are a fellow 4-11 baby, happy birthday to you!!  I hope you have had a great week.  We have had gorgeous weather here in Houston. 

That's the Contemporary Arts Museum, look at that beautiful sky.  That was on Wednesday, we have a few clouds today, but it is still great.  I think the husband and I will be touring this museum later today since I have the birthday afternoon off!  :)  I love a Friday fun-day!

This week has been busy, busy; but so nice as well.  I loved my Monday yoga break.

Time with my green yoga mat makes me happy.

Thursday was the 5th anniversary of this sweet girl coming home to me.

Love, love, love my Sammy!!!  The husband brought her home for my birthday that year.  My birthday was Easter Sunday that year, so I got to have my present on Friday.

Our first photo!

She was so tiny!  Best present ever.  She keeps giving and giving.

In honor of birthdays and looking back, here are some fun pictures of me as a little one.

Little me with a dog, weird.

Yes, I have always loved my doggies!  That was Lucy.  She was a good girl.

I loved me some Annie.  Saw the musical on broadway that year and had to be Annie for Halloween!

Ah, the family road trip.  That's me on the left and my sis on the right.  You are welcome, Audrey.  :)

And the obligatory birthday girl selfie.

My office family is showering me with love; cards, presents, brownies.  It is shaping up to be an awesome day.  I will of course continue celebrating all weekend.  Why, not?

Have a great weekend!!

Linking Up:

life rearranged


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I'm still making the rounds from the InstaFriday linkup.
    I clicked through to your twitter and facebook to connect with you there as well.

    1. Thank you!!! I am following you now too!


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