Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend Recap

All of last week and last weekend were super duper busy!!  I thought we had SO much done in the house and we had it all mostly together.  Well, when you realize you only have a week and a half to be ready for 5 house guests and hosting Thanksgiving for 14 you realize you still have LOTS AND LOTS to do!!

Let's start with house guests.  I am so excited to see my sister and my nieces and my brother-in-law that I can hardly stand it!

I can't wait to see these faces!!!

As far as work on the house goes we finished cleaning out the box room.  We got storage stuff sealed in bins and stored in the garage or attic.  We did a lot more donation runs and we did a lot of box recycling.

Friday evening we went on a date to Gallery Furniture and bought a beautiful new sleeper sofa for the den.


Tomorrow, hopefully, there will be a picture of it in the den.  It arrived on Sunday, but we haven't fully de-cluttered and vacuumed and all that, so I didn't take any at home pictures.

Saturday I managed to squeeze in time to get a Christmas card picture and order our cards.  The star of the card this year?  Sammy!

She was very tired after her photo shoot.  Poor puppy.

Trixie decided she did not want to be in the pictures.

"Kiss the paw and I might acknowledge you."

She lies.


I hope you had a wonderful weekend!! 


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